- Posted By: NaturePinks
- Comments: 0
We have switched servers and the url for our organic store is now https://shop.naturepinks.com
This change should enhance your overall ordering experience on the online organic shop. Please bookmark this url even though the old url will transparently redirect you to the new server.
With our limited stocks, our deliveries have been limited to nearby locations for a while. However we continue to work at increasing our production and rationalizing the deliveries. Logistics costs remain a huge challenge for any organic fruits and vegetables shop like ours and a review of the order size is in the offing to keep the operations viable.
We look forward to your continued support as we will press ahead to bring to you a larger variety of organic products and a smoother ordering experience on our online organic shop.
We have an enhanced site, all we now need is... more stocks!
Edit: we have switched again, now to OrganicSiri.com
Why? - we will explain in a blog post. but nothing changes except an easier site name to remember and a new url to bookmark!
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